Theatre-based plays adapted for TV
Editorial techniques as seen for example in Macready! and Here's A Funny Thing, mainly theatre-based plays about a famous actor or performer. Each show truncated to one hour without detracting from the whole script and with additional biographical material added for television audiences.
Stage Door: The One-man Shows
NOTES: Based mainly on theatre shows, some about a particular famous actor. Each of the three selected here are one hour, recorded and edited with TVI facilities:
- Macready!' - a celebration of the actor. A stage play based on the diaries of the great Victorian actor William Charles Macready, written and played by Frank Barrie. Recorded at the Fortune Theatre, Russell Street, London. (TX 25/08/83)
- 'Here's a Funny Thing' - a stage play about the life of Max Miller, 'the cheeky chappie' starring John Bardon, Clare Kelly, written by R.W. Shakespeare. Recorded at the Fortune Theatre, Russell Street, London. (TX 20/11/82)
- 'The Other Side of London’ - starring Ron Moody about villainous characters of historical London including Fagin, with Jan Ravens and Vivienne Martins, written by Ron Moody and Ronnie Cass. Recorded on location throughout London. (TX 31/12/83)
Commissioning Editor: Cecil Korer
Macready!A celebration of the great Victorian actor William Charles Macready 1793-1873, based on his actual diaries, written by and starring Frank Barrie.
Here's A Funny ThingA one-hour TV adaptation of the stage play about the life of Max Miller, 'the cheeky chappie' starring John Bardon, written by R.W. Shakespeare.
Other Side of London"A tour of the Capital City you won't get elsewhere!" - starring Ron Moody as some of the villainous characters of historical London.